Tour Historic ‘Polio Treatment’ Facility April 23

Beyond Polio 20 Apr , 2016 0 Comments Blog
1963, Charles Farmer, AVS; Courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
1963, Charles Farmer, AVS; Courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Farmington Hills, a suburb of Detroit, was once home to Sister Kenny Hospital, a treatment center for polio patients. Now the Botsford Senior Living Center, the hospital played a key role in the battle against polio and it’s opening its doors for an exclusive tour of the historic facility on April 23. The tour will include a visit to the redbrick building’s basement, where guests can view the remains of what was once the hospital’s pool, which was where hydrotherapy treatments were administered. Sister Elizabeth Kenny, an Australian nun for whom the hospital was named, was a huge proponent for hydrotherapy for her polio patients. In addition, photos of the hospital from when it was fully operational will be on display courtesy of the Walter Reuther Historical Library collection. Although the open house is free, donations are encouraged and will go toward the Rotarians’ Polio Eradication Fund.

The Botsford Senior Living Center is located at 21400 Archwood Circle, off Tuck Road north of Eight Mile Road in Farmington Hills, Michigan.

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Written By Beyond Polio